1. Start
  2. Installation
  3. General Settings
  4. Bg and Colors
  5. Texts management
  6. Manage Categories
  7. Manage Calendars
  8. Reservations
  9. Manage mail
  10. Form management
  11. Change admin password
  12. Metatags
  13. Public section
  14. How to embed the calendar in a custom php page
  15. Useful information to know
  16. Booking Calendar Versions
  17. Upgrades

Booking Calendar application


Follow these simple steps and Booking Calendar will be fully functional and ready for use.

1. Upload the folder “booking” in your server

If you like, you can change the folder name “booking”, but it's important to remember that the internal folders names must not be changed. Also do not move the folder called “admin”.


2. Import in your database the file “booking.sql” that is in the folder booking_DB

Before importing it is always suggested to make a backup of your database

The added tables of Booking Calendar will have the prefix booking_


3. Open the file db_conn.php in the folder booking> admin >include and set the connection data of your database

Well done!

Booking Calendar was installed properly.

Now it remains only to set the control panel.


 4. Sign in to the administrator control panel

To go to the login page type the full address where you installed Booking Calendar, adding /admin.

For example, if you didn’t change the folder name, the address will be http://www.yourwebsitehere.com/booking/admin

Access credentials are

User: admin

Password: admin


5. Go to settings area and set your preferences. You can change them at any time. 

To see how to configure your settings, go to Settings section


6. Create your calendar.

Congratulations. Now you can start receiving reservations.

General Settings

This is an important section where all the app's settings can be managed.

Absolute path of Booking Calendar installation

It's a very important setting and must be set to make the whole app working. If you do not set, the app won't work at all.


This setting is needed to make sure that no one can reserve a time slot in the past.
i.e. My timezone is GMT +1 but I set it to GMT 0, if now it's 10.00, people will be able to reserve the 9.30 time slot as for GMT 0 timezone it's 9.00, and that is wrong.
Using the set timezone properly, the app won't show past time slots so they cannot be reserved.

Calendar date format

Choose if you prefer to use UK (dd/mm/yyyy and the weeks starting on Monday) or US (mm/dd/yyyy and the weeks starting on Sunday) date format.

Calendar time format

Choose if you prefer to use 12-hour time format (with am/pm) or 24-hour time format.

Admin Email

It's useful to receive reservation emails. If someone reserve a time slot, you'll receive an e-mail to this address.

Email "from"

This email address is the one which will send all emails from system to customers. You can also choose a custom name to be shown as sender. Leaving this field empty could make system emails to be sent directly to user's spam folder. You can also put a fake address, but it is recommendable not leaving it empty.

Reservation: confirmation mode

Here you can choose how you want the reservation will be confirmed.
If you choose "Automatically", reservation will be automatically confirmed when a user request for it.
If you choose "By a verification email", user will have to confirm his/her reservation by clicking on a link sent from app to their email address. The link will expire a minute before the first reserved time slot starts or if the admin confirms/unconfirms the reservation manually.
If you choose "Admin confirm", you must manually confirm all the reservations from the admin panel.

Reservation: cancellation

Enabling this feature allows your customers to cancel their reservations by clicking in a link that they will find in the confirmation email (see Manage mail section for further information). The link will expire a minute before the first reserved time slot starts.

Google Recaptcha

This setting is just up to you. If you're afraid of spam, go to http://www.google.com/recaptcha, obtain your keys and paste them in the fields. A captcha image will appear in reservation form, so you are sure that it's a human being who's reserving a time slot.

Add terms and condition check
You can choose to add a checkbox for privacy policy and/or terms of service for the booking form. Adding this option, the user must check it before he is able to book.
When activating it you can choose the label to show beside the checkbox and an optional link to point the user to your privacy policy/terms of service page.
Slot selection
Choose here how many slots are reservable by one customer at once.

Unlimited reservations

Choose if every slot can have unlimited reservations. If set to unlimited, calendar slots amount will never decrease. If set to "use the number set in slot insertion", every slot will have the number of reservations you'll set in slot creation.
If you select the second option you'll be able to choose to show the available seats number instead of the slots number. I.e. If you have 10 slots with 2 seats each, if you decide to show the available seats, you'll see "Available: 20" in the corresponding day cell, otherwise you'll see "Available: 10" as the time slots are 10.

Show booked slots
You can choose to show the already booked slots by enabling this option. The booked slots will not disappear from calendar, but they will be shown in red color.
Available time slots preview
This is just a "graphic" setting. If you want to show to customers a preview of available time slots when they are navigating into calendar, check "enabled".
Show category selection
Here you can set if you want to show or not the category selection drop down menu at the right top of the page.
Show calendar selection
Here you can set if you want to show or not the calendar selection drop down at the right top of the page.
Show the first not empty month by default
Here you can set if you want to show the first month which has time slots. If you set it to "YES" and for example you don't have any time slots till two months later, on November, the first month to be shown won't be the current November, the first month which has time slots set.
Calendar months view
Here you can choose if you want to show a number of limited past and future months. When a user tries to go beyond the range you set, he will be redirected to the current month. Leave "0" if you want to show unlimited months.
Choose when users are able to book a slot
Here you can choose if you want to limit the user booking. Insert the number of days before the slot date the user can book. E.g. you set "2": the user won't be able to book for today and neither for tomorrow, but he will be able to book from the day after tomorrow (2 days from now). Leave "0" if you want to let him booking even at the last minute.
You can then choose a limit for the maximum number of days (starting from current), for which the user is able to book. E.g. you set "10" and today is the 1st of April: the user will be able to book only till the 10th of April even if on the next days there are available slots.
Display prices in booking page
Here you can choose if you want to show slots prices in the booking form page. Remember to set the right currency too if you enabled it.
Enable Paypal payment
Here you can set if you want your users to pay the booking fee. By setting "YES", you'll have some fields to fill in.
First of all, the email address associated with your Paypal account. Then you have to choose your country for the language and other local settings of the Paypal landing page. All these 2 fields are mandatory, if you leave one of them empty, Paypal payment will not be activated.
If this option is set to "YES", several changes are made in the application.
Once the payment is done, if the user comes back to the application page (through automatic redirect if he pays with his Paypal account or manual redirect if he pays with credit card) the reservation/s will be automatically confirmed, even if you've set a different confirmation mode. If a user doesn't comes back to the application page, the reservation/s will never be confirmed, even if you've set the automatic confirmation mode, and you'll have to manually confirm it from admin panel after you've verified the Paypal transaction in your Paypal panel.
If you have mixed slots, with fee and free, if a user books free ones, the application will behave as usual (as Paypal was set to "NO"). This option will step in only if the user books a priced slot.
Additional text for booking page
Here you can insert an additional text which will be displayed at the top of the user booking form page, just under the date.

Bg and Colors

In this section you can choose your custom backgrounds and font colors for your calendar.

Month box style

In this section you can change the style of the month box at the top of the page. You can change the background color, the month name text color and the year text color.

Month navigation buttons style

In this section you can change the style of the month navigation buttons (the arrows) modifying their default background color and the mouse-over background color.

Weekdays style

In this section you can change the color of the weekdays labels at the top of the calendar cells.

Calendar empty cells

In this section you change the style of the empty cells on the calendar. These cells just have a background as they are not days (cells before the beginning and after the end of each month).

Calendar available cells, NOT today

This section is for the day cells with available slots. You can set the default background, the mouse-over background and different colors for the first line of the cell (month day number and "BOOK NOW" label) and second line of the cell ("Available" label), including mouse-over colors for both. All the mouse-over colors are displayed when a user moves the mouse over the cell.

Calendar today cell

This section is for the "today" cell. You can set the default background, the mouse-over background and different colors for the first line of the cell (month day number and "BOOK NOW" label if slots for today are available) and second line of the cell ("Available/Not Available" label), including mouse-over colors for both. All the mouse-over colors are displayed when a user moves the mouse over the cell.

Calendar sold out cells

This section is for the day cells with no more available slots as they've been sold. It includes the "today" cell too if it's sold out. You can set the default background and different colors for the first line of the cell (month day number and "SOLD OUT" label) and second line of the cell ("Not Available" label).

Calendar not available cells, NOT today

This section is for the day cells which don't have available slots. You can set the default background, the mouse-over background and different colors for the first line of the cell (month day number) and second line of the cell ("Not Available" label).

Booking form style

This section is for the booking form page. Here you can set the form background color, the form font color, the fields background and the text color. If you have enabled the Recaptcha, you can also choose between 3 different Recaptcha styles. You can also change the "Book now" and "Clear" buttons style setting the default background and text colors, the mouse-over background and text colors.

Texts Management

In this section you can manage all the texts of the app in both admin panel and public section.

The texts are divided into sections according to the admin panel menu, to make the translation easier.

To change a text you just have to modify the text you find in the field near the text shortcode, then click on "Save" and it's done.

If you are upgrading from a previous version of the Booking Calendar you'll see a yellow box at the top of the page saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files and check the new texts.
N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.
N.B. If you haven't changed any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do this procedure.

Manage Categories

This section allow you to view, add, publish, unpublish and delete all your categories.

As you can see you can add more than one category.

For each category you'll also have at your disposal a direct link to the category with all its calendars.

You must create at least a category item to make the app working.

Adding Categories

It' s easy to add a category, just type the name of your category and click "Add". You'll see your category appearing in the list below. A new category is never published when created, because it's empty, it has no calendars yet, so it would be useless to show it on the app.

If you add more than one category, you'll see the button "set as default" appearing below the "published/unpublished" icon as there must be a default category if you have more than one. The default category will be the first appearing when the app is loaded.

Modify a category name

To modify a category name, just click on "Modify name" and type the new name, then click on "Save".

Publish/Unpublish categories

It's easy to publish or unpublish a category. If you want to change just one category status, you can click on the "published/unpublished" icon and that's it.

If you need to change more than one category status, you can select the categories you want to publish or unpublish and then click on "Publish" or "Unpublish" on the action bar at the top of the page.

Publishing or unpublishing a category is useful if you need to do some modifications on category calendars and you don't want people to see that you're working on it.

Delete categories

You can also delete one category or more.

To delete only one category, just click on "Delete" on the corresponding category row. To delete more than one category, select the categories you want to delete and then click on "Delete" on the action bar at the top of the page.

Once you've deleted a category, all related information will be deleted (such as calendars, time slots and reservations). Be careful using this function, if someone has already reserved a time slot of a calendar in the category you want to delete, you should warn that person that the time slot is no longer available.

Manage Calendars

This section allow you to view, add, publish, unpublish and delete all your calendars.

As you can see you can add more than one calendar. i.e. You have a tennis court and a squash court to reserve, you can use two different calendars.
For each calendar you'll also have at your disposal a direct link to each calendar.

You must create at least a calendar item to make the app working.

Adding calendars

It' s easy to add a calendar, just click on "Add" and you'll see a simple form to fill in. Just select the category which the calendar must belong to (you have to insert at least a category to create a calendar), write the name of the calendar, optionally you can also add an email address where the reservations will be received instead of the default one set in "Settings" section, and click on "Save". You'll be redirected to the calendar list where you can see your brand new calendar. A new calendar is never published when created, because it's empty, it has no time slots yet, so it would be useless to show it on the app.

If you add more than one calendar, you'll see the button "set as default" appearing below the "published/unpublished" icon as there must be a default calendar if you have more than one. The default calendar will be the first appearing when its category is loaded.

Modify a calendar

Modifying calendars is easy as creating them. Just click on "Modify" on the corresponding calendar row and you'll see again the form you used to insert the calendar. Make the modifications and then click on "Save" and it's done!

Publish/Unpublish calendars

It's easy to publish or unpublish a calendar. If you want to change just one calendar status, you can click on the "published/unpublished" icon and that's it.

If you need to change more than one calendar status, you can select the calendars you want to publish or unpublish and then click on "Publish" or "Unpublish" on the action bar at the top.

Publishing or unpublishing a calendar, is useful if you need to do some modifications on calendar time slots and you don't want people to see that you're working on it.

Delete calendars

You can also delete one calendar or more.

To delete only one calendar, just click on "Delete" on the corrisponding calendar row. To delete more than one calendar, select the calendars you want to delete and then click on "Delete" on the action bar at the top.

Once you've deleted a calendar, all related information will be deleted (such as time slots and reservations). Be careful using this function, if someone has already reserved a time slot of a calendar you want to delete, you must warn that person that the time slot is no longer available.

Duplicate calendars

You can also duplicate existing calendars. Avoid losing time to insert a new calendar and its slots by duplicating an already existing one (with all slots and holidays). You will always be able to edit the duplicated calendar.

Managing calendars

When you click on "Manage" on a calendar row, you'll be redirected to the calendar manage section.

In this section you'll find a submenu with two voices: "Manage time slots" and "Closing days".

Manage time slots

This section is the default one opened when you enter in calendar managing section.
You can create time slots by clicking on "Create Time Slots". A form will open and you'll be able to insert all the information about your time slots.

Create time slots
First you're asked to specify the date or the period for which you want to create time slots.
If you choose a period, you'll be able to select for which weekdays you want to create time slots. i.e. from Monday to Friday.
If you choose just a single date, time slots will be created just for that day.
Then you're asked to specify each slot duration.
If you choose "in minutes", you'll have to specifiy how many minutes each time slot lasts. Minimum time slot duration is 15 minutes. A time slot will be created after another, every "tot" minutes you specified. You can also set a "pause" value between every time slot. (i.e.slots every 30 minutes, 5 minutes pause, each time slot will be created every 35 minutes.)
Then you have to specify when these slots must be created. You can choose a time from and a time to (or more than one) regarding every day. (i.e. creating time slots from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 14.00 to 18.00 every 30 minutes.)
If you choose "from, to", you will be able to insert customized time slots, as many as you want. Insert time from and time to for first slot and then click on "plus" button to add other available intervals.
You can also insert a description text and a price for the slots you are creating.
If you've chosen to set a limited number of possible reservations per slot, you'll find a field to insert this data. Plus, you'll find also a field where you can set the maximum number of seats bookable by a single customer.
Then click on "Save" and wait a while, time slots will be created and you'll be able to see them on your calendar, to modify, delete and search for them.

N.B. Be careful inserting new time slots, if you have previously created time slots in a certain time intervals the system will not allow you to create time slots in the same time intervals. (The system does not create a time slot duplicate)

Once you've created your first time slots, you'll see two more buttons appearing: "Search time slots" and "Modify time slots".

Search time slots
You can search time slots in the calendars using this form.
First of all, choose if you want to search time slots for a single day or a period of time.
If you choose to search for a single day, you must specify the day and, optionally, a time from and a time to between which the search will be done. You can also choose just "time from" to see all time slots from a certain time.
If you choose to search ina period of time, you must specify date from and date to. Then you can specify a weekday and a time from and a time to. Just period dates are mandatory.
Clicking on "Search" you'll find all time slots found for the specified parameters.
From that list, you'll be able to modify a single time slot, or to delete one or more time slots at once.
Clicking on "Modify" on a time slot row, you can change time slot's date, time from, time to, special text, price and seats, if set. Before changing, be sure that there are no other slots for the day and the same time you want to set, otherwise you won't be able to modify it.
Clicking on "Delete" on a time slot row, that time slot will be deleted. You'll be warned if there is a reservation for that slot, so you'll be able to warn the person who made it.
You can also delete several time slots at once by selecting them and clicking on "Delete" on the action bar above.

Modify time slots
Using this feature, you can modify/delete several time slots.
First select the action you want to perform.
If you choose "modify" you'll be asked to select the time slots you want to modify. i.e. all 9.00 time slots. Then you can select a weekday and the period (date from and date to). Last but not least, you have to specify new time from and time to for the time slots to modify. As always, be careful to choose a "free" time (not taken up by other time slots).
If you choose "delete" you'll be asked to select the time slots you want to delete. i.e. all 9.00 time slots. Then you can select a weekday and the period (date from and date to) or if you want to choose just a single day leave the "date to" field empty.
Then, clicking on "Ok", the chosen action will be performed. Always remember that deleting time slots means delete all the related items, such as reservations.


Closing days

Using this feature you can set closing days in your calendars. These days will not be available for booking. For example, if your company closes for a week you can select these days as closing days. So, when you create new time slots, you won't have to be careful not to insert time slots for those days, system will do it for you automatically!

Create closing days

Clicking on "Create closing days" you're asked to specify if you want to create a single day or a period.

If you choose "A single day", you'll have to specify the date.

If you choose "Period of time", you'll have to specify date from and date to. Date from and date to are included in creating closing days.

Then click "Ok" and it's done.

N.B. If you choose days in which there are time slots, or reservations, they will be deleted.

Every time you create a closing day, you'll find it in the list below the insertion box. If you want to delete the closing days select them and click on "Delete" on the action bar above (one by one or several at once).


In this section you'll find the lists of all the reservations made on yours calendars.
Clicking on "List" button on a calendar row, you can view the reservations list for that calendar.
If you don't see the "List" button, it means there are no reservations for that calendar yet.
Once you open a list, in red lines you'll see those reservations whose time slot has been deleted, so you can warn the person/s who reserved that the time slot is no longer available. To contact this person you can simply click on his email address and it will open a popup where you can find a form to send an email message.
In the list you can see also "Confirmed/Unconfirmed" icon or "Cancelled" caption. According to what you specified in Settings section, here you can manually confirm the reservations. If confirmation is automatic, you'll find the green icon for all reservations, except for the ones cancelled by customers. Anyway, you'll be able to unconfirm a reservation if you like to. No email will be sent when you unconfirm a reservation, you will have to inform that person if you want to.
You can also delete reservations one by one or several at once. Click on "Delete" on a single reservation row to delete the chosen one or select more than one reservation and click "Delete" on action bar above. The system will not send email to people to whom you cancel the reservations, if you want to warn them you have to do it manually.
On the action bar you'll find also the option to export the entire list to a CSV file, which is compatible with many programs such as Microsoft Excel. Clicking on "Detail" on a reservation row, you'll see all details of that reservation.


You can also search for reservations clicking on "Search Reservations".

Search reservations

You'll be asked to select a single day or a period of time to search.
If you choose "One day", you'll have to insert the date to search.
If you choose "Period of time", you'll have to insert dates between which the search will be done.
Clicking on "Search" button, all the reservations for that day/period will be shown below the search box. To cancel the search filter just click on "Show all Reservations" on the action bar at the top.


Manage mail

In this section you can modify automatic mail messages sent by system.

Email sent automatically to customer to confirm reservation
This mail message is sent when confirmation mode (in settings area) is set to "Automatically".
You can edit subject, text, cancellation text and signature of the email message.
Do not remove or modify the code in brackets, those data will not be generated again by the system.

Email sent automatically to customer to make him/her confirm the reservation via link
This email message is sent when confirmation mode (in settings area) is set to "By a verification e-mail".
You can edit subject, text and signature of the email message.
Do not remove or modify the code in brackets, those data will not be generated again by the system.

Email sent automatically to customer to tell him/her that you have to confirm his/her reservation
This email message is sent when confirmation mode (in settings area) is set to "Admin confirm".
You can edit subject, text and signature of the email message.
Do not remove or modify the code in brackets, those data will not be generated again by the system.

Email sent to customer when reservation is confirmed manually from admin panel
This email message is sent when confirmation mode (in settings area) is set to "Admin confirm" and you confirm a reservation from admin panel clicking on the confirm icon.
You can edit subject, text, cancellation text and signature of the email message.
Do not remove or modify the code in brackets, those data will not be generated again by the system.

Form management

In this section you can manage the booking form setting how many and what fields you want the user to compile.

Choose the visible fields in the reservation form
Choose here what fields you want to show to the user who books.
Choose the mandatory fields in the reservation form
Choose here what information you think are absolutely needed to make a reservation. Anyone who wants to reserve a time slot will have to compile them. Here you'll be able to manage only fields that you previously selected as visible.
Fields type
Choose here the type of each visible field. Choices are between a short text field or a big area field. Here you'll be able to manage only fields that you previously selected as visible.

Change admin password

In this section you can change admin panel access password.

Just type old password, the new password, confirm the new password and click on " Save".

Password will be saved into the database as an encrypted MD5 string, so you must not to change it in your database unless you first encrypt it. There are many websites that do this encoding such as this one: http://scriptserver.mainframe8.com/md5.php .


In this section you can edit metatags of your booking calendar application.

For info about Metatags click here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metatag

You can modify page title (<title> tag), meta title (<meta name="title"> tag), meta description (<meta name="description"> tag) and meta keywords (<meta name="keywords"> tag).

Public section

Public section is what your visitors will see.

The first view is the default calendar of the default category (see Manage Categories and Manage Calendars sections for further information on "default" items) for the current month with the current day marked, or the first not empty month if you set it in Settings section. The monthly view shows the available time slots per day.

Clicking on the arrows he can navigate through months.

Other categories and calendars are available in the drop down menus at the top right of the screen. When a category is selected, its default calendar is loaded and in the calendar selection there will be only calendars which belong to the selected category.

Just passing the mouse over a day he can be shown a preview of available time slots per day (according to what you set in settings area).

Clicking on a day, the booking form appears.

The customer can navigate through days even from here, clicking on "Prev day" or "Next day". Days with no time slots available will be skipped.

In this form he can select one or more time slots to reserve (according to what you decided in settings area), then he will insert the rest of the data to book (you decided what field are mandatory in settings area). If Recaptcha is set, it will appear under the message field.

By clicking on "clear" the form will be reset.

By clicking on "Book now", reservation will be registered by the system and, according to the confirmation mode set in settings area, a different email will be sent to the customer (see Manage mail section for further info).

By clicking on "Close", the customer will return to the calendar.

How to embed the calendar in a custom php page

To embed the calendar in an existing php page follow the guidelines in "index.php" code. You'll find some comments explaining where you have to put the parts of code (included in this file) in your custom php page.
Then copy all the subfolders and files of the "booking" folder at the same level of your page, except for "index.php" file.

Useful information to know

For experts.

Used fonts are Bebas e Cuprum, from fontsquirrel.com.

If you want to change them, open the file mainstyle.css in the folder css and change the css rules



Booking Calendar Versions

Booking Calendar 3.2

Fixed bugs:

- next day button

- js and texts issues

- reservation detail page trimmed texts

Booking Calendar 3.1

Fixed bugs:

- calendar deletion

- slots numeration

Booking Calendar 3.0

Added features:

- set till when a user is able to book a slot

- set a sender name for e-mail notifications sent from the script

Fixed bugs:

- when setting unlimited reservations per slot, the booking was impossible

- calendar popup not showing special texts for slots

Booking Calendar 2.9

Fixed bugs:

- month displaying after booking

Booking Calendar 2.8

Added features:

- improved security

Booking Calendar 2.7

Fixed Bugs:

- reservation cancellation

Booking Calendar 2.6

Fixed Bugs:

- double booking

- email charset encoding

- calendar not working on iOS devices

Booking Calendar 2.5

Added features:

- limit the bookable seats at once

- contact customers directly from admin panel

- Paypal IPN Notice compatibility

- reservation details added in email sent to admin for cancellation

Fixed Bugs in:

- categories creation

- adjusted all dates format according to settings

- slot price added in all email notifications

- slot in-line modification

- holidays creation

- booking form loading time

- Paypal payment

- reservation print

- email editor

- calendar weekdays names positioning

Booking Calendar 2.4

Fixed Bugs:

- issue on mobile devices when popup disabled

- "Back to today" button functionality

- text management section didn't save all the texts

Booking Calendar 2.3

New Features:

- SEO improved

- favicon added

- possibility to modify mail name in admin panel

- possibility to translate admin panel buttons

- added PHPMailer to send reservation emails

Fixed Bugs:

- Slots/seats number in calendar cell

- Styled print reservation in admin panel

- Prevented php errors from arising in browser

- Massive slots modification

- Added missing texts in admin panel

Booking Calendar 2.2

New Features:

- 10 minutes minimum per slots limit removed

- protection from bots when Google Recaptcha is not used

- slot "Special text" added to reservation detail page in admin panel

Fixed Bugs:

- "Back to today" button link

Booking Calendar 2.1

Fixed Bugs:

- fixed admin login page for Firefox

- fixed admin panel top menu for Chrome

- fixed "set default calendar" function in admin panel when there's more than one category

- fixed calendar modification page in admin panel

- fixed "ok" button after reservation

- fixed "money_format" bug on Windows installations

Booking Calendar 2.0

Added features:

- Category management

- Calendar custom email address

- Slot creation with am/pm time if set

- Texts management

- Bg and colors management

- Possibility to show the first not empty month on the calendar

- Possibility to show available seats instead of available slots

Fixed Bugs:

- booked slots bug in booking form

- timezone GMT +2 was wrong

- bug in slots creation when a slot ended after 10pm

Booking Calendar 1.7

Fixed Bugs:

- prev-next navigation in booking form day

- dates bug for Windows users

- available slots number bug

- reservation search

- slot creation

Booking Calendar 1.5

Added features:

- Customizable number of available reservations per slot

- Booking form management

- Reserved slots visible on calendar in red color

- Admin panel language labels in a unique file to easily change them

- Possibility to show or not the calendar selection

- Direct link for each calendar you create

- Calendar months view limitation

- Paypal integration

- Reservation CSV exportation

- Possibility to add a privacy policy/terms of service checkbox in booking form

- Possibility to choose how many days before the user has to book the slots

Fixed Bugs:

- time to field functionality in slots creation

- removed fixed top-page anchors from calendar cells, to facilitate the embedding of the application in custom pages

- confirm.php page error

- IE9 compatibility in booking form page

- Apple devices compatibility in booking form page

- Added cancellation link when a reservation is confirmed in admin panel

- Recaptcha js error in main page

Booking Calendar 1.4

Added features:


- An email is sent to admin when a user cancel his reservation

Fixed Bug in:

- slots preview popup for mobile devices

Booking Calendar 1.3

Added features:


- Unlimited reservations per slot

Fixed Bug in:

- embedding calendar

- prev day and next day navigation in public section

- showing weekdays during slots creation in admin section

Booking Calendar 1.2

Added features:


- Duplicate calendar feature

- Form validation for all timepickers

- Date format configuration (choice between US and UK date format)

- Time format configuration (choice between 12-hour am/pm and 24-hour time format)


-Button "Back to today" on past and future months view

-Enhanced jQuery script to display slots preview

Fixed Bug in:

- "undefined" string bug in slot in-line editing

- datepicker range bug

- timepicker range bug

- special chars bug on calendar name editing

Booking Calendar 1.1

Added features:

- possibility to give the user the option to cancel his own reservation

- option to limit the booking at one slot per reservation

Fixed Bug in:

- email management area

- booking confirmation by email

- admin login

- metatag


From 3.1 to 3.2

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.2, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder

2- copy and overwrite the files you find in folder upgrade_from_3-1_to_3-2 into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

From 3.0 to 3.2

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.2, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder

2- copy and overwrite the files you find in folder upgrade_from_3-0_to_3-2 into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

From 2.9 to 3.2

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.2, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder

2- copy and overwrite the files you find in folder upgrade_from_2-9_to_3-2 into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-9_to_3-2.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-9_to_3-2)

From 2.8 to 3.2

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.2, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder

2- copy and overwrite the files you find in folder upgrade_from_2-8_to_3-2 into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-8_to_3-2.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-8_to_3-2)

From 2.7 to 3.2

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.2, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder

2- copy and overwrite the files you find in folder upgrade_from_2-7_to_3-2 into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-7_to_3-2.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-7_to_3-2)

From 2.6 to 3.2

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.2, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder

2- copy and overwrite the files you find in folder upgrade_from_2-6_to_3-2 into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-6_to_3-2.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-6_to_3-2)

From 2.5 to 3.2

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.2, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder

2- copy and overwrite the files you find in folder upgrade_from_2-5_to_3-2 into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-5_to_3-2.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-5_to_3-2)

From 2.4 to 3.2

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.2, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the files you find in folder upgrade_from_2-4_to_3-2 into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-4_to_3-2.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-4_to_3-2)

From 2.3 to 3.2

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.2, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 3.2) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-3_to_3-2.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-3_to_3-2)

From 2.2 to 3.2

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.2, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 3.2) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-2_to_3-2.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-2_to_3-2)

From 2.1 to 3.2

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.2, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 3.2) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-1_to_3-2.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-1_to_3-2)

From 2.0 to 3.2

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.2, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 3.2) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-0_to_3-2.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-0_to_3-2)

From 1.7 to 3.2

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.2, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 3.2) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-7_to_3-2.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-7_to_3-2)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.6 to 3.2

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.2, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 3.2) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-6_to_3-2.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-6_to_3-2)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.5 to 3.2

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.2, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 3.2) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-5_to_3-2.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-5_to_3-2)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.4 to 3.2

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.2, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 3.2) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-4_to_3-2.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-4_to_3-2)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.3 to 3.2

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.2, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 3.2) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-3_to_3-2.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-3_to_3-2)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.2 to 3.2

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.2, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 3.2) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-2_to_3-2.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-2_to_3-2)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.1 to 3.2

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.2, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 3.2) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-1_to_3-2.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-1_to_3-2)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.0 to 3.2

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.2, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 3.2) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_to_3-2.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_to_3-2)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 3.0 to 3.1

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.1, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder

2- copy and overwrite the files you find in folder upgrade_from_3-0_to_3-1 into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

From 2.9 to 3.1

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.1, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder

2- copy and overwrite the files you find in folder upgrade_from_2-9_to_3-1 into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-9_to_3-1.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-9_to_3-1)

From 2.8 to 3.1

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.1, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder

2- copy and overwrite the files you find in folder upgrade_from_2-8_to_3-1 into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-8_to_3-1.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-8_to_3-1)

From 2.7 to 3.1

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.1, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder

2- copy and overwrite the files you find in folder upgrade_from_2-7_to_3-1 into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-7_to_3-1.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-7_to_3-1)

From 2.6 to 3.1

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.1, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder

2- copy and overwrite the files you find in folder upgrade_from_2-6_to_3-1 into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-6_to_3-1.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-6_to_3-1)

From 2.5 to 3.1

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.1, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder

2- copy and overwrite the files you find in folder upgrade_from_2-5_to_3-1 into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-5_to_3-1.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-5_to_3-1)

From 2.4 to 3.1

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.1, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the files you find in folder upgrade_from_2-4_to_3-1 into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-4_to_3-1.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-4_to_3-1)

From 2.3 to 3.1

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.1, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 3.1) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-3_to_3-1.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-3_to_3-1)

From 2.2 to 3.1

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.1, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 3.1) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-2_to_3-1.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-2_to_3-1)

From 2.1 to 3.1

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.1, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 3.1) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-1_to_3-1.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-1_to_3-1)

From 2.0 to 3.1

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.1, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 3.1) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-0_to_3-1.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-0_to_3-1)

From 1.7 to 3.1

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.1, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 3.1) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-7_to_3-1.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-7_to_3-1)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.6 to 3.1

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.1, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 3.1) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-6_to_3-1.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-6_to_3-1)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.5 to 3.1

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.1, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 3.1) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-5_to_3-1.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-5_to_3-1)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.4 to 3.1

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.1, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 3.1) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-4_to_3-1.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-4_to_3-1)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.3 to 3.1

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.1, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 3.1) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-3_to_3-1.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-3_to_3-1)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.2 to 3.1

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.1, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 3.1) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-2_to_3-1.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-2_to_3-1)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.1 to 3.1

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.1, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 3.1) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-1_to_3-1.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-1_to_3-1)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.0 to 3.1

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.1, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 3.1) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_to_3-1.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_to_3-1)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 2.9 to 3.0

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.0, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder

2- copy and overwrite the files you find in folder upgrade_from_2-9_to_3-0 into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-9_to_3-0.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-9_to_3-0)

From 2.8 to 3.0

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.0, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder

2- copy and overwrite the files you find in folder upgrade_from_2-8_to_3-0 into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-8_to_3-0.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-8_to_3-0)

From 2.7 to 3.0

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.0, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder

2- copy and overwrite the files you find in folder upgrade_from_2-7_to_3-0 into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-7_to_3-0.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-7_to_3-0)

From 2.6 to 3.0

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.0, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder

2- copy and overwrite the files you find in folder upgrade_from_2-6_to_3-0 into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-6_to_3-0.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-6_to_3-0)

From 2.5 to 3.0

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.0, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder

2- copy and overwrite the files you find in folder upgrade_from_2-5_to_3-0 into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-5_to_3-0.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-5_to_3-0)

From 2.4 to 3.0

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.0, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the files you find in folder upgrade_from_2-4_to_3-0 into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-4_to_3-0.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-4_to_3-0)

From 2.3 to 3.0

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.0, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 3.0) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-3_to_3-0.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-3_to_3-0)

From 2.2 to 3.0

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.0, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 3.0) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-2_to_3-0.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-2_to_3-0)

From 2.1 to 3.0

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.0, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 3.0) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-1_to_3-0.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-1_to_3-0)

From 2.0 to 3.0

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.0, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 3.0) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-0_to_3-0.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-0_to_3-0)

From 1.7 to 3.0

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.0, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 3.0) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-7_to_3-0.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-7_to_3-0)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.6 to 3.0

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.0, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 3.0) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-6_to_3-0.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-6_to_3-0)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.5 to 3.0

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.0, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 3.0) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-5_to_3-0.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-5_to_3-0)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.4 to 3.0

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.0, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 3.0) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-4_to_3-0.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-4_to_3-0)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.3 to 3.0

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.0, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 3.0) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-3_to_3-0.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-3_to_3-0)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.2 to 3.0

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.0, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 3.0) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-2_to_3-0.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-2_to_3-0)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.1 to 3.0

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.0, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 3.0) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-1_to_3-0.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-1_to_3-0)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.0 to 3.0

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 3.0, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 3.0) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_to_3-0.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_to_3-0)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 2.8 to 2.9

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.9, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder

2- copy and overwrite the files you find in folder upgrade_from_2-8_to_2-9 into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

From 2.7 to 2.9

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.9, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder

2- copy and overwrite the files you find in folder upgrade_from_2-7_to_2-9 into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

From 2.6 to 2.9

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.9, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder

2- copy and overwrite the files you find in folder upgrade_from_2-6_to_2-9 into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

From 2.5 to 2.9

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.9, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder

2- copy and overwrite the files you find in folder upgrade_from_2-5_to_2-9 into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

From 2.4 to 2.9

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.9, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the files you find in folder upgrade_from_2-4_to_2-9 into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-4_to_2-9.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-4_to_2-9)

From 2.3 to 2.9

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.9, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.9) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-3_to_2-9.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-3_to_2-9)

From 2.2 to 2.9

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.9, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.9) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-2_to_2-9.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-2_to_2-9)

From 2.1 to 2.9

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.9, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.9) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-1_to_2-9.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-1_to_2-9)

From 2.0 to 2.9

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.9, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.9) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-0_to_2-9.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-0_to_2-9)

From 1.7 to 2.9

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.9, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.9) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-7_to_2-9.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-7_to_2-9)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.6 to 2.9

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.9, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.9) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-6_to_2-9.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-6_to_2-9)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.5 to 2.9

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.9, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.9) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-5_to_2-9.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-5_to_2-9)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.4 to 2.9

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.9, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.9) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-4_to_2-9.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-4_to_2-9)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.3 to 2.9

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.9, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.9) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-3_to_2-9.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-3_to_2-9)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.2 to 2.9

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.9, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.9) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-2_to_2-9.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-2_to_2-9)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.1 to 2.9

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.9, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.9) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-1_to_2-9.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-1_to_2-9)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.0 to 2.9

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.9, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.9) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_to_2-9.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_to_2-9)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 2.7 to 2.8

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.8, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder

2- copy and overwrite the files you find in folder upgrade_from_2-7_to_2-8 into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

From 2.6 to 2.8

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.8, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder

2- copy and overwrite the files you find in folder upgrade_from_2-6_to_2-8 into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

From 2.5 to 2.8

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.8, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder

2- copy and overwrite the files you find in folder upgrade_from_2-5_to_2-8 into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

From 2.4 to 2.8

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.8, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the files you find in folder upgrade_from_2-4_to_2-8 into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-4_to_2-8.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-4_to_2-8)

From 2.3 to 2.8

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.8, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.8) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-3_to_2-8.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-3_to_2-8)

From 2.2 to 2.8

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.8, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.8) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-2_to_2-8.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-2_to_2-8)

From 2.1 to 2.8

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.8, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.8) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-1_to_2-8.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-1_to_2-8)

From 2.0 to 2.8

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.8, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.8) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-0_to_2-8.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-0_to_2-8)

From 1.7 to 2.8

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.8, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.8) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-7_to_2-8.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-7_to_2-8)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.6 to 2.8

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.8, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.8) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-6_to_2-8.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-6_to_2-8)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.5 to 2.8

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.8, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.8) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-5_to_2-8.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-5_to_2-8)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.4 to 2.8

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.8, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.8) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-4_to_2-8.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-4_to_2-8)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.3 to 2.8

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.8, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.8) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-3_to_2-8.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-3_to_2-8)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.2 to 2.8

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.8, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.8) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-2_to_2-8.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-2_to_2-8)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.1 to 2.8

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.8, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.8) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-1_to_2-8.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-1_to_2-8)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.0 to 2.8

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.8, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.8) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_to_2-8.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_to_2-8)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 2.6 to 2.7

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.7, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder

2- copy and overwrite the files you find in folder upgrade_from_2-6_to_2-7 into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

From 2.5 to 2.7

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.7, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder

2- copy and overwrite the files you find in folder upgrade_from_2-5_to_2-7 into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

From 2.4 to 2.7

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.7, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the files you find in folder upgrade_from_2-4_to_2-7 into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-4_to_2-7.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-4_to_2-7)

From 2.3 to 2.7

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.7, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.7) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-3_to_2-7.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-3_to_2-7)

From 2.2 to 2.7

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.7, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.7) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-2_to_2-7.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-2_to_2-7)

From 2.1 to 2.7

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.7, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.7) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-1_to_2-7.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-1_to_2-7)

From 2.0 to 2.7

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.7, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.7) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-0_to_2-7.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-0_to_2-7)

From 1.7 to 2.7

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.7, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.7) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-7_to_2-7.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-7_to_2-7)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.6 to 2.7

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.7, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.7) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-6_to_2-7.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-6_to_2-7)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.5 to 2.7

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.7, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.7) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-5_to_2-7.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-5_to_2-7)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.4 to 2.7

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.7, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.7) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-4_to_2-7.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-4_to_2-7)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.3 to 2.7

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.7, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.7) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-3_to_2-7.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-3_to_2-7)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.2 to 2.7

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.7, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.7) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-2_to_2-7.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-2_to_2-7)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.1 to 2.7

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.7, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.7) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-1_to_2-7.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-1_to_2-7)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.0 to 2.7

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.7, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.7) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_to_2-7.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_to_2-7)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 2.5 to 2.6

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.6, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder

2- copy and overwrite the files you find in folder upgrade_from_2-5_to_2-6 into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

From 2.4 to 2.6

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.6, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the files you find in folder upgrade_from_2-4_to_2-6 into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-4_to_2-6.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-4_to_2-6)

From 2.3 to 2.6

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.6, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.6) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-3_to_2-6.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-3_to_2-6)

From 2.2 to 2.6

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.6, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.6) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-2_to_2-6.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-2_to_2-6)

From 2.1 to 2.6

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.6, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.6) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-1_to_2-6.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-1_to_2-6)

From 2.0 to 2.6

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.6, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.6) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-0_to_2-6.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-0_to_2-6)

From 1.7 to 2.6

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.6, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.6) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-7_to_2-6.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-7_to_2-6)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.6 to 2.6

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.6, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.6) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-6_to_2-6.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-6_to_2-6)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.5 to 2.6

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.6, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.6) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-5_to_2-6.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-5_to_2-6)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.4 to 2.6

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.6, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.6) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-4_to_2-6.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-4_to_2-6)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.3 to 2.6

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.6, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.6) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-3_to_2-6.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-3_to_2-6)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.2 to 2.6

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.6, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.6) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-2_to_2-6.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-2_to_2-6)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.1 to 2.6

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.6, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.6) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-1_to_2-6.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-1_to_2-6)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.0 to 2.6

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.6, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.6) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_to_2-6.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_to_2-6)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 2.4 to 2.5

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.5, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the files you find in folder upgrade_from_2-4_to_2-5 into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-4_to_2-5.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-4_to_2-5)

From 2.3 to 2.5

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.5, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.5) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-3_to_2-5.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-3_to_2-5)

From 2.2 to 2.5

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.5, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.5) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-2_to_2-5.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-2_to_2-5)

From 2.1 to 2.5

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.5, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.5) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-1_to_2-5.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-1_to_2-5)

From 2.0 to 2.5

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.5, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.5) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-0_to_2-5.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-0_to_2-5)

From 1.7 to 2.5

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.5, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.5) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-7_to_2-5.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-7_to_2-5)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.6 to 2.5

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.5, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.5) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-6_to_2-5.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-6_to_2-5)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.5 to 2.5

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.5, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.5) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-5_to_2-5.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-5_to_2-5)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.4 to 2.5

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.5, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.5) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-4_to_2-5.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-4_to_2-5)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.3 to 2.5

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.5, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.5) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-3_to_2-5.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-3_to_2-5)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.2 to 2.5

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.5, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.5) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-2_to_2-5.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-2_to_2-5)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.1 to 2.5

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.5, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.5) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-1_to_2-5.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-1_to_2-5)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.0 to 2.5

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.5, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.5) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_to_2-5.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_to_2-5)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 2.3 to 2.4

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.4, just copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.4) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

From 2.2 to 2.4

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.4, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.4) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-2_to_2-4.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-2_to_2-4)

From 2.1 to 2.4

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.4, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.4) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-1_to_2-4.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-1_to_2-4)

From 2.0 to 2.4

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.4, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.4) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-0_to_2-4.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-0_to_2-4)

From 1.7 to 2.4

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.4, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.4) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-7_to_2-4.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-7_to_2-4)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.6 to 2.4

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.4, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.4) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-6_to_2-4.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-6_to_2-4)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.5 to 2.4

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.4, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.4) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-5_to_2-4.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-5_to_2-4)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.4 to 2.4

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.4, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.4) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-4_to_2-4.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-4_to_2-4)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.3 to 2.4

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.4, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.4) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-3_to_2-4.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-3_to_2-4)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.2 to 2.4

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.4, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.4) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-2_to_2-4.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-2_to_2-4)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.1 to 2.4

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.4, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.4) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-1_to_2-4.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-1_to_2-4)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.0 to 2.4

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.4, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.4) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_to_2-4.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_to_2-4)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 2.2 to 2.3

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.3, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the files you find in folder upgrade_from_2-2_to_2-3 into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-2_to_2-3.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-2_to_2-3)

From 2.1 to 2.3

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.3, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the files you find in folder upgrade_from_2-1_to_2-3 into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-1_to_2-3.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-1_to_2-3)

From 2.0 to 2.3

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.3, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the files you find in folder upgrade_from_2-0_to_2-3 into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_2-0_to_2-3.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_2-0_to_2-3)

From 1.7 to 2.3

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.3, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.3) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-7_to_2-3.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-7_to_2-3)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.6 to 2.3

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.3, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.3) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-6_to_2-3.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-6_to_2-3)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.5 to 2.3

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.3, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.3) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-5_to_2-3.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-5_to_2-3)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.4 to 2.3

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.3, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.3) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-4_to_2-3.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-4_to_2-3)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.3 to 2.3

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.3, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.3) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-3_to_2-3.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-3_to_2-3)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.2 to 2.3

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.3, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.3) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-2_to_2-3.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-2_to_2-3)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.1 to 2.3

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.3, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.3) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-1_to_2-3.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-1_to_2-3)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.0 to 2.3

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.3, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.3) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_to_2-3.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_to_2-3)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 2.1 to 2.2

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.2, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.2) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

From 2.0 to 2.2

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.2, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.2) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

From 1.7 to 2.2

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.2, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.2) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-7_to_2-2.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-7_to_2-2)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.6 to 2.2

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.2, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.2) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-6_to_2-2.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-6_to_2-2)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.5 to 2.2

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.2, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.2) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-5_to_2-2.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-5_to_2-2)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.4 to 2.2

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.2, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.2) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-4_to_2-2.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-4_to_2-2)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.3 to 2.2

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.2, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.2) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-3_to_2-2.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-3_to_2-2)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.2 to 2.2

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.2, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.2) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-2_to_2-2.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-2_to_2-2)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.1 to 2.2

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.2, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.2) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-1_to_2-2.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-1_to_2-2)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.0 to 2.2

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.2, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.2) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_to_2-2.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_to_2-2)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 2.0 to 2.1

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.1, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.1) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

From 1.7 to 2.1

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.1, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.1) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-7_to_2-1.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-7_to_2-1)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.6 to 2.1

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.1, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.1) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-6_to_2-1.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-6_to_2-1)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.5 to 2.1

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.1, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.1) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-5_to_2-1.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-5_to_2-1)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.4 to 2.1

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.1, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.1) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-4_to_2-1.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-4_to_2-1)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.3 to 2.1

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.1, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.1) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-3_to_2-1.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-3_to_2-1)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.2 to 2.1

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.1, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.1) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-2_to_2-1.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-2_to_2-1)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.1 to 2.1

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.1, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.1) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-1_to_2-1.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-1_to_2-1)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.0 to 2.1

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.1, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.1) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_to_2-1.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_to_2-1)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.7 to 2.0

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.0, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.0) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-7_to_2-0.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-7_to_2-0)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.6 to 2.0

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.0, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.0) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-6_to_2-0.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-6_to_2-0)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.5 to 2.0

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.0, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.0) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-5_to_2-0.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-5_to_2-0)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.4 to 2.0

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.0, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.0) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-4_to_2-0.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-4_to_2-0)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.3 to 2.0

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.0, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.0) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-3_to_2-0.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-3_to_2-0)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.2 to 2.0

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.0, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.0) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-2_to_2-0.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-2_to_2-0)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.1 to 2.0

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.0, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.0) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-1_to_2-0.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-1_to_2-0)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.0 to 2.0

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 2.0, follow these simple steps:

1- make a backup of your existing folder and database

2- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 2.0) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

3-open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_to_2-0.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_to_2-0)

4- go to the admin panel in "Texts management" section. At the top of the page you'll see a yellow box saying that you can recover the modifications made to "lang.php" files in the previous version. Just upload the files from your backup and check the new texts.

N.B. Note that not all the texts will be correctly updated. Check them in the new "Text management" section.

N.B. If you haven't change any of the "lang.php" files, DON'T do the procedure number 4.

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.6 to 1.7

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 1.7, follow these simple steps:

- backup the booking folder, for good measure, before proceeding with the upgrade.

- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 1.7) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

- open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-6_to_1-7.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-6_to_1-7)

From 1.5 to 1.7

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 1.7, follow these simple steps:

- backup the booking folder, for good measure, before proceeding with the upgrade.

- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 1.7) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

- open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-5_to_1-7.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-5_to_1-7)

From 1.4 to 1.7

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 1.7, follow these simple steps:

- backup the booking folder, for good measure, before proceeding with the upgrade.

- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 1.7) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

- open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-4_to_1-7.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-4_to_1-7)

From 1.3 to 1.7

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 1.7, follow these simple steps:

- backup the booking folder, for good measure, before proceeding with the upgrade.

- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 1.7) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

- open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-3_to_1-7.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-3_to_1-7)

From 1.2 to 1.7

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 1.7, follow these simple steps:

- backup the booking folder, for good measure, before proceeding with the upgrade.

- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 1.7) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

- open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-2_to_1-7.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-2_to_1-7)

From 1.1 to 1.7

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 1.7, follow these simple steps:

- backup the booking folder, for good measure, before proceeding with the upgrade.

- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 1.7) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

- open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-1_to_1-7.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-1_to_1-7)

From 1.0 to 1.7

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 1.7, follow these simple steps:

- backup the booking folder, for good measure, before proceeding with the upgrade.

- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 1.7) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

- open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_to_1-7.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_to_1-7)

From 1.5 to 1.6

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 1.6, follow these simple steps:

- backup the booking folder, for good measure, before proceeding with the upgrade.

- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 1.6) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.4 to 1.6

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 1.6, follow these simple steps:

- backup the booking folder, for good measure, before proceeding with the upgrade.

- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 1.6) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

- open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-4_to_1-6.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-4_to_1-6)

From 1.3 to 1.6

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 1.6, follow these simple steps:

- backup the booking folder, for good measure, before proceeding with the upgrade.

- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 1.6) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

- open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-3_to_1-6.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-3_to_1-6)

From 1.2 to 1.6

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 1.6, follow these simple steps:

- backup the booking folder, for good measure, before proceeding with the upgrade.

- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 1.6) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

- open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-2_to_1-6.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-2_to_1-6)

From 1.1 to 1.6

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 1.6, follow these simple steps:

- backup the booking folder, for good measure, before proceeding with the upgrade.

- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 1.6) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

- open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-1_to_1-6.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-1_to_1-6)

From 1.0 to 1.6

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 1.6, follow these simple steps:

- backup the booking folder, for good measure, before proceeding with the upgrade.

- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 1.6) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

- open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_to_1-6.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_to_1-6)

From 1.4 to 1.5

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 1.5, follow these simple steps:

- backup the booking folder, for good measure, before proceeding with the upgrade.

- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 1.5) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

- open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-4_to_1-5.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-4_to_1-5)

From 1.3 to 1.5

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 1.5, follow these simple steps:

- backup the booking folder, for good measure, before proceeding with the upgrade.

- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 1.5) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

- open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-3_to_1-5.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-3_to_1-5)

From 1.2 to 1.5

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 1.5, follow these simple steps:

- backup the booking folder, for good measure, before proceeding with the upgrade.

- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 1.5) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

- open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-2_to_1-5.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-2_to_1-5)

From 1.1 to 1.5

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 1.5, follow these simple steps:

- backup the booking folder, for good measure, before proceeding with the upgrade.

- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 1.5) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

- open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-1_to_1-5.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-1_to_1-5)

From 1.0 to 1.5

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 1.5, follow these simple steps:

- backup the booking folder, for good measure, before proceeding with the upgrade.

- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 1.5) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

- open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_to_1-5.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_to_1-5)

From 1.3 to 1.4

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 1.4, follow these simple steps:

- backup the booking folder, for good measure, before proceeding with the upgrade.

- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 1.4) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

From 1.2 to 1.4

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 1.4, follow these simple steps:

- backup the booking folder, for good measure, before proceeding with the upgrade.

- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 1.4) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

- open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-2_to_1-4.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-2_to_1-4)

From 1.1 to 1.4

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 1.4, follow these simple steps:

- backup the booking folder, for good measure, before proceeding with the upgrade.

- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 1.4) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

- open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-1_to_1-4.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-1_to_1-4)

From 1.0 to 1.4

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 1.4, follow these simple steps:

- backup the booking folder, for good measure, before proceeding with the upgrade.

- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 1.4) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

- open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_to_1-4.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_to_1-4)

From 1.2 to 1.3

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 1.3, follow these simple steps:

- backup the booking folder, for good measure, before proceeding with the upgrade.

- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 1.3) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

- open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-2_to_1-3.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-2_to_1-3)

From 1.1 to 1.3

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 1.3, follow these simple steps:

- backup the booking folder, for good measure, before proceeding with the upgrade.

- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 1.3) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

- open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_from_1-1_to_1-3.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-1_to_1-3)

From 1.0 to 1.3

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 1.3, follow these simple steps:

- backup the booking folder, for good measure, before proceeding with the upgrade.

- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 1.3) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

- open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_to_1-3.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_to_1-3)

From 1.1 to 1.2

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 1.2, follow these simple steps:

- backup the booking folder, for good measure, before proceeding with the upgrade.

- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 1.2) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

- open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_1-1_to_1-2.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_from_1-1_to_1-2)

From 1.0 to 1.2

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 1.2, follow these simple steps:

- backup the booking folder, for good measure, before proceeding with the upgrade.

- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 1.2) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

- open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_1-2.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_to_1-2)

From 1.0 to 1.1

To upgrade to Booking Calendar version 1.1, follow these simple steps:

- backup the booking folder, for good measure, before proceeding with the upgrade.

- copy and overwrite the booking folder (version 1.1) into the booking folder of the previous version, except the file named db_conn.php (you can find it in booking > admin > include)

Pay attention: if you have modified the code or the graphic, after the overwriting, modifications will be deleted and you will have to enter them again.

- open phpMyAdmin and import the file upgrade_1-1.sql (you can find it in the folder upgrade_to_1-1)